Florida Democratic Party Caucuses

“There are still forces in America that want to divide us along racial lines, religious lines, sex, class. But we’ve come too far; we’ve made too much progress to stop or to pull back. We must go forward. And I believe we will get there.
American Muslim Democratic Caucus of Florida
The AMDC was established to unite and provide representation for the very diverse American Muslim community within the Florida Democratic Party structure. The mission of AMDC is to “Educate, Engage and Empower the American Muslim Community”, with the purpose of stimulating public interest, encouraging qualified American Muslim Democrats candidates to run for local office, and increase the number of registered American Muslim Democratic voters.
Democratic Public Education Caucus of Florida
The Democratic Public Education Caucus of Florida (DPECF) is committed to invest in Florida’s public schools, colleges, and universities. DPECF believes that the Democratic Party values public schools and that every child deserves a rich and comprehensive curriculum taught by well trained and well compensated teachers.
Haitian-American Democratic Caucus of Florida
The Democratic Haitian American Caucus of Florida (DHACF) seeks to educate voters about the importance of participating in local and national elections. Their mission is to help elect great democrats, including those of Haitian descent, to promote comprehensive immigration reform and support the international efforts to rebuild Haiti.
Democratic Veterans Caucus of Florida
The Democratic Veterans Caucus of Florida (DVCF) was formed to advocate for the special concerns of Veterans and their families through the political process. Their mission is to promote the election of Democratic Veterans or Veteran advocates and encourage the participation of Democratic Veterans in the election process at all levels.
Democratic Disability Caucus of Florida
The Florida Democratic Disability Caucus mission is to provide a voice and organize individuals with disabilities across the state and work with our allies within the Florida Democratic Party to ensure that all activities and venues are accessible and to educate the Democrats about the issues impacting individuals with disabilities.
Democratic Environmental Caucus of Florida
DECF works to support Florida lawmakers, candidates, legislation and businesses that preserve, protect and enhance Florida’s natural resources. DECF strives to help elect democratic candidates that endorse suitable action on environmentally critical issues.
Democratic Hispanic Caucus of Florida
The Democratic Hispanic Caucus of Florida’s mission is to stimulate participation and interest in public affairs that will foster better and more representative government for Hispanics. The DHCF purpose is to unite Hispanic Democrats in the State of Florida, promoting principles of the Democratic party at all levels and encouraging qualified Hispanic citizens to become candidates for public office.
Democratic Progressive Caucus of Florida
DPCF works to develop and promote core Democratic principles with members throughout Florida who work to strengthen the relationship between the progressive community and the Democratic Party.
Caribbean Democratic Caucus of Florida
The Democratic Caribbean Caucus of Florida’s mission is to generate a significant increase of political support for the Democratic Caribbean Community for its four basic and main issues: Immigration, Economic Development, Education, and equivalent political support for Caribbean candidates.
Democratic Senior Caucus of Florida
The Florida Democratic Senior Caucus was established to stimulate seniors, and others, to participate at all levels where issues affecting seniors should be addressed fully. The FDSC exists to assist county caucuses in organizing to better represent the needs and concerns of seniors on the county level.
Democratic County Chairs’ Association
The Florida DCCA is composed of the Florida Democratic County Chairs. Their mission is to build a Democratic partnership resource organization for Florida Democratic County Parties, to support the political agenda of the Democratic Party, to grow the Party, and to elect Democrats at every level including county, statewide, and national.
Democratic Women’s Club of Florida
The DWCF was formed to bring together all Democratic Women’s Clubs in Florida to provide a forum for discussion of public matters, to provide organized support to qualified candidates for public office, and to encourage qualified Democratic women to seek elected office.
Florida Caucus of American Jews
The Caucus of American Jews assists the Florida Democratic Party in developing strategies for articulating core Democratic values within Jewish institutions and to Jewish leaders. It acts as a listening post for political issues and views coming from Florida’s Jewish institutions and Jewish leaders.
Florida LGBTQ+ Democratic Caucus
The Florida LGBTQ+ Democratic Caucus seeks to instill awareness of the freedoms of a democratic society, educate future leaders, support the community at large, and maintain an ongoing rapport and increasing viability with political entities. The mission of this organization to foster good will between lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer members of the Democratic Party, their allies, and the community at large.
Florida High School Democrats
The Florida High School Democrats offer students their first exposure to Democratic politics. Engaging our classmates, we work in cooperation with their schools’ administrations to provide their peers with first-hand opportunities for activism.
Democratic Black Caucus of Florida
The Florida Democratic Black Caucus as an organization represents a collective voice of over three million Democrats in the Great State of Florida. The DBCF stands in solidarity in addressing issues that are impacting our daily lives so that we can create solutions and strategies to address them. As we lift and educate the voter on the importance of putting our concerns in the forefront, we will in turn impact the Ballot and public policy.
Florida Young Democrats
The Florida Young Democrats is an organization dedicated to supporting young Democrats across Florida. The Florida Young Democrats believe that the future of our party depends upon actively building political, social, and business connections between Democrats aged 40 years and younger.
Florida College Democrats
The Florida College Democrats is a student run organization that focuses on the democratic development of students on college campuses across the state of Florida. Its main purpose is to educate students on the importance of the political process, train students to be politically active, and get democrats elected.
Small County Coalition
The Small County Coalition represents the rural counties of Florida, which is more than half of Florida’s 67 counties. While none of these counties has a Democratic voter registration over 40,000, they make up a large Democratic voting bloc in Florida. The Coalition strives to give our rural communities a voice and increasing participation in the Florida Democratic Party.
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Volusia County Democratic Black Caucus
P.O. Box 12012
Daytona Beach, FL 32120
DISCLAIMER: The Democratic Black Caucus of Florida is by no means exclusionary. All registered Democrats who subscribe to the Caucus’ objectives are invited to join.
Paid political advertisement, paid for by the Volusia County Democratic Black Caucus, P.O. Box 12012 Daytona Beach, FL 32120
Paid for by the Volusia County Democratic Black Caucus. VolusiaCountyDBC.org. Not authorized by any candidate or candidate’s committee. |